When you spend a lot of money on your home decor, art work and furniture, you do so with the intention of it lasting a long long time. Unfortunately home decor, art work, and furniture are all at risk of fading or damage from regular sun and heat exposure through windows. Putting up curtains isn’t always a possibility in a hallway or living space as it completely blocks out the light making the room dark and difficult to see. So what kind of options do you have?
We recently received a call from an artist. His studio had eleven small windows that were letting in a large amount of heat and light. Not only was the studio unbearably hot to work in, Â he struggled with keeping his precious work out of the direct sunlight. His concern was that his art work would be damaged by the direct light. After hearing his concerns, we were able to recommend a product that will help him keep his art work safe from fading and sun damage.
Solar window films are great for reducing heat, glare and reducing the direct light in a room. Installing the right solar film can help you protect your stuff from those harmful UV rays and direct sunlight. We have a variety of films, some with darker tint and some with lighter tint. Most people assume you have to install a dark tint to reduce the light in the room. However, some lighter films that eliminate nearly 100 percent of the UV rays and about 70 percent of the suns light and energy. This film is our most common product because it allows for the protection and doesn’t make the room too dark. There are so many options to choose from, you will have no problems finding the best product that will meet your needs.
Call us today to find out more about how you can protect your art, decor, furniture and your home from the hazardous UV rays and damaging light. 6237804950